How to Reset Windows 10 Local Admin Password Using Command Prompt Same Procedure For Win 7, Administrator Password reset
How do I log into Windows 10 if I forgot my password?
Following are the steps to reset a Windows 10 password:
Boot from Windows 10 DVD
- Press SHIFT + F10 to open a command prompt
Open a command prompt with SHIFT + F10
How do you get into Windows if you forgot your password?
- Replace the file utilman.exe with cmd.exe. Before you do this, you should make a copy of utilman.exe so that you can restore it later. Note that you can only restore this file if you boot again from the Windows DVD. Windows 10 is usually installed on drive D: if you boot from a DVD. You can verify this with "dir d:\windows\system32\utilman.exe." If the system can't find utilman.exe, try other drive letters Administrator Password reset.
Type this Below command In Cmd
- move c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe.bak
- copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe
Replace utilman.exe with cmd.exe
How do I unlock my Windows 10 password?
- After you have replaced utilman.exe successfully, you can remove the DVD and restart your problematic Windows 10 installation:
Type this Below command
wpeutil reboot
Afetr This Restart Your PC
How do I unlock my Windows 10 password without data loss?
- On the Windows 10 sign-in page, click the Utility Manager icon
Command Prompt Will Open
How do I unlock my Windows 10 password without data loss?
- You can now add a new user with the command below. We also have to add the user to the administrator group so that we regain full control of our Windows installation. Replace <username> with the account name of your choice. Note that the account name must not exist on this Windows installation. Don’t let the Windows 10 screen saver distract you Without data loss restet your password.
Type This Command
net user <username> /add
net localgroup administrators <username> /add
net user <username> /add
net localgroup administrators <username> /add
Add a new user and adding the user to the administrator group
- Click the screen to make the sign-in page appear again. Your new account should show up, and you can sign in without a password reset password.
- If you worked with a local account instead of a Microsoft account, you can reset your password in Computer Management. Right-click the Start button, select Computer Management, and navigate to Local Users and Groups. Right-click your local account and select Set Password.
Set Password To Old User
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