Making Apps without Coding-2020

How To Make android app Without Coding?

Platform For Making Android Apps without coding

  1. Thunkable :-3 Step Drag & Drop Builder - No Coding Needed - Install & Test for Free -                               Get Started Now! Hundreds of Features - Push Notification, in-app                                              Purchase, AR, VR, Chatbot and more! 7,000,000 Apps Created. It's Easy.                                    24/7 Customer Service. Gain New Customers.
  2. Appsgeyser:-Create Android Apps with Free App Creator. Build, develop and design                                      your own mobile apps online in 5 minutes - no coding app makingCreate                                     your first mobile app for Android, no skills required. .
  3. Block2code:-To use Block2Code for Android, you must use a compatible browser.                                                              Currently the supported browsers are: Google Chrome 29+; Safari 5+;                                                               Firefox 23+.
  4. Kodular     :- Much more than a modern app creator without codingConvert your ideas                                     into apps with Kodular Creator! The best ...
  5. Appy Builder:- AppyBulder is originally based on MIT App Inventor, AppyBuilder is                                                 a FREE Drag & Drop mobile app builder platform that allows anyone                                          to quickly design
  6. Adalo        :- Adalo makes creating apps as easy as putting together a slide deck. Turn                                                          your idea into a real native app — no code needed!
  7. AppMAker :- Appmaker- The best app builder lets you create quality native iOS and                                                            Android apps. Get your app with zero coding and publish it to Appstore and                                                      PlayStore.
  8. Firebase     :- Firebase is Google's mobile platform that helps you quickly develop high-                                                       quality apps and grow your business.
  9. appypie       :-Appy Pie's No-code Application Development Platform Software provides                                                     drag-and-drop tools that enable businesses to design, develop & integrate                                                          mobile 
  10. appmachine :-Use AppMachine to make professional Mobile Apps - Fast. Quality                                                                 Affordable Apps. Windows Phone. Android. iOS. It’s easy, it’s fast! Steps:                                                       Scan Your Website, Build And Design, Publish And Promote.
  11. Biznessapps :-Get Business App Maker. Get Instant Quality Results at iZito Now!                                             Discover Quality Results. Find Related Results Now. Powerful and Easy                                      to Use. Explore the Best Info Now. 100+ Qualitative Results. Get More                                      Related Info. Types: News, Video, Images, Web, Wiki.
  12. Buzztouch    :-Instabug's SDK Grabs All Logs You Need to Fix Bugs in Minutes                                                  Instead of Days. There's a Reason Why Developers and Product                                                   Managers Choose Instabug Over Firebase. 1 Minute Integration.14                                              Days Free Trial. 24/7 Customer Support. Get Started For Free
  13. Kinetise      :-Kinetise is a web-based editor that empowers anyone to easily build custom                                                     mobile apps for both iOS and Android devices  
  14. Andromo     :-Andromo is a premium app building platform where you can create                                                                 professional Android apps without writing a single line of code. Turn your                                                          ideas into reality 
  15. Swiftic         :-1000000+ Apps Created - Swiftic is a leading DIY mobile app maker that                                                   helps small businesses all over the world to build personalized apps. Get                                                             Started Now!
  16. BuildFire    :-Build powerful mobile apps for iOS & Android with the ultimate App                                        Creator from BuildFire. Get started on developing your custom mobile app                                                    today.
  17. Sshoutem   :- Mobile app builder for native iOS and Android apps, based on React                                            Native, easy to use! Join thousands of businesses already                                                             using Shoutem mobile app
  18. AppsBar     :-Appsbar is your free mobile app builder - free to all app builders and app                                                        lovers. Create an app for free today!

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